Is the construction hard to keep at, then wedi's drawing database is the solution.
We have created a drawing database that answers all the complex construction challenges that working with a wetroom has. Here you can seach across topic and find easy solutions. With wedi products you pull on many years of expertise and a close relationship with the markets leading experts - and all available in one drawing database, just makes it easier.
All construction concepts can be downloaded directle from our website in PDF, RVT and DWG directly for implementation in Revit and AutoCAD.
Revolutionize your construction projects with Wetmodule’s sustainable modules
At wedi Scandinavia, we made the decision back in 2022 to focus more on susta...
At the Copenhagen Marriott Hotel, 122 out of 406 bathrooms have now been...
The fire advisors have solved the wet room challenge with the help of wedi