Päivämäärä: 12.6.2024
Täysin hygieeninen kosketusvapaa hana on nopea asentaa ja huoltaa. Säästää vettä jopa 5 litraa pesulla.
Delabien TEMPOMATIC 4 -hanalla on nyt STF-tyyppihyväksyntä! TEMPOMATIC 4 -kosketusvapaa hana on tyylikäs ja tehokas ratkaisu julkisiin tiloihin. Hanan ominaisuuksiin kuuluu myös automaattinen antibakteerinen huuhtelu 24 tuntia viimeisen käyttökerran jälkeen. Hanat on helppo asentaa, ja kaikki huoltotoimenpiteet tehdään hanan päästä irrottamatta hanaa. STF-tyyppihyväksyntämerkki osoittaa TEMPOMATIC 4 -hanojen täyttävän suomalaiset tyyppihyväksyntäasetusten vaatimukset.
STF-sertifikaatti on tyyppihyväksyntätodistus, joka kertoo tuotteen käymistä laajoista testeistä ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista. STF-tuote täyttää kansallisen lainsäädännön vaatimukset, ja tuote on testattu testauslaboratoriossa. Lisäksi tuotteen laatu on varmistettu tyyppihyväksyntälaitoksen suorittamalla laadunvarmistuksella. STF-sertifioidut tuotteet siis täyttävät suomalaisen tyyppihyväksyntäasetuksen vaatimukset ja ovat huoleton valinta.
Säästää vettä jopa 5 litraa käyttökerralla. Hana sulkeutuu käsien saippuoinnin ajaksi, mikä tuo suuren veden säästön. Virtausmäärä on oletuksena 3 litraa minuutissa, mutta määrää voidaan säätää helposti itse 1,5–6 litraan minuutissa.
Täysin hygieeninen ratkaisu. Hana toimii ilman kosketusta, joten bakteerit eivät tartu hanasta. Hana tyhjentyy kokonaan vedestä jokaisen käyttökerran jälkeen, eikä hanan sisällä ole mahdollisuutta bakteerien kasvulle. TEMPOMATIC 4 -hanoissa on automaattinen antibakteerinen putkiston huuhtelu 24 tunnin viimeisen käytön jälkeen.
Nopea asentaa ja helppo huoltaa. Hanan asennus onnistuu käden käänteessä. Huolto on tehty vaivattomaksi, sillä komponentteihin pääsee suoraan käsiksi hanan päästä, eikä hanaa tarvitse irrottaa.
Delabie on Euroopan johtava julkisten saniteettitilojen tuotteiden valmistaja, joka huomioi ratkaisuissaan etenkin äärimmäisen kestävyyden, hygieenisyyden sekä ympäristöystävällisyyden. Delabien tuotteet kestävät kovaa ja jatkuvaa käyttöä sopien niin kauppakeskuksiin, kouluihin, sairaaloihin kuin vankiloihin.
Delabien tuotteille tarjotaan 30 vuoden takuu, ja varaosien saatavuus taataan 50 vuodeksi. DELABIEN vankka, melkein 100 vuoden kokemus ja kehitystyö takaavat laadukkaat kalusteet julkisiin tiloihin.
AQVA Professional on Suomessa Delabien virallinen maahantuoja.
Delabien hanat ja sekoittajat ovat suunniteltu jatkuvaan kuluttavaan käyttöön hiilijalanjälkeä vähentämällä. Ne ovat hygieenisiä, luotettavia ja energiatehokkaita.
Wall-mounted thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixer: opens and...
TEMPOMATIC MIX electronic mixer for sinks and troughs.High, swivelling spout ...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer.Electronic mixer with high, removable, sw...
Electronic mixer for sinks and troughs with high, swivelling, removable BIOCL...
Mechanical mixer for sinks and troughs with swivelling spout H. 145mm L. 225m...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer with swivelli...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer with swivelli...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer with swivelli...
Sink mixer with retracting hand spray with swivelling spout H. 105mm L. 200mm...
Sink mixer with retracting hand spray with swivelling spout H. 105mm L. 200mm...
Mechanical basin mixer H. 60mm L. 100mm with hygienic flow straightener.Ø 35m...
Wall-mounted SECURITHERM pressure-balancing basin mixer.Anti-scalding safety:...
Wall-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Flat, swivelling under spout L. 150mm wit...
Wall-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Swivelling, flat under-spout L. 150mm in ...
Wall-mounted SECURITHERM Pressure Balancing (EP) basin mixer.Anti-scalding sa...
Wall-mounted SECURITHERM basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Anti-scalding sa...
SECURITHERM pressure-balancing wall-mounted mechanical sink mixer, 200mm cent...
Wall-mounted SECURITHERM basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Anti-scalding sa...
Wall-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Flat fixed under spout L. 150mm with hygi...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole mechanical sink mixer with swi...
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with swivelling, tubular spout H. 315mm L. 300...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole mixer with swivelling spout H....
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer with swivelli...
Wall-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Swivelling, tubular under-spout L. 200mm w...
Wall-mounted mechanical sink mixer with swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.Au...
Wall-mounted mechanical sink mixer with swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.Au...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM pressure-balancing basin mixer.Spout H. 85mm L. 135m...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer with swivell...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer with swivell...
Single hole deck-mounted mixer, flexible has no retainer, flexible H. 535mm m...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single control single hole mixer with swi...
Mechanical sink mixer.High swivelling spout H. 305mm L. 220mm with hygienic f...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single hole, single control mixer with fi...
SECURITHERM pressure-balancing basin mixer.High fixed spout H. 205mm L. 200mm...
Deck-mounted mechanical mixer with retracting hand spray.Single hole mixer wi...
Mechanical mixer set and column with retracting hand spray.Retracting hand sp...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer H. 95mm L. 1...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single hole mechanical mixer H. 95mm L. 1...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Single hole mecha...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixerSingle hole mechanical mixer H. 50mm L. 80...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Single hole mecha...
Wall-mounted sequential mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: o...
Wall-mounted sequential mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: o...
Wall-mounted sequential mechanical mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Wall-mounted sequential mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: o...
Wall-mounted sequential mechanical basin mixer.Mechanical sequential mixer: o...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens ...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical sink mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens an...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical sink mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical sink mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical sink mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Tall deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Tall deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted mechanical tall basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens ...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical sink mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens an...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical sink mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer.Sequential mechanical mixer: opens a...
Deck-mounted tall mechanical basin mixer. Sequential mechanical mixer: opens ...
Mechanical basin mixer H. 95mm L. 120mm.Single hole mixer with a straight spo...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.BIOCLIP mechanica...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.BIOCLIP mechanica...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer.Single hole, single control basin mixer w...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole, single control mixer with hig...
Deck-mounted mechanical sink mixer.Single hole, single control mixer with hig...
Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Single hole mixer...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Cross wall electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit.23...
Cross wall electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit.23...
Deck-mounted matte black electronic basin mixer:Independant IP65 electronic u...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independant IP65 electronic unit.230/12V ...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:230/6V recessed mains supply.Reduced-stag...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer :230/6V plug-in mains supply.Reduced-stag...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer :Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V ...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:230/6V recessed mains supply.Reduced-stag...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:230/6V recessed mains supply.Reduced-stag...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V L...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V L...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V L...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer :Battery-operated with integrated 223 6V ...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Battery-operated with integrated 123 6V L...
Wall-mounted electronic basin mixer:230/6V recessed mains supply.Reduced-stag...
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Deck-mounted electronic basin mixer:Independent IP65 electronic control unit....
Wall-mounted twin hole mixer with swivelling, tubular under-spout Ø 22mm L. 2...
Deck-mounted single hole mixer for professional catering.Mixer for plunge sin...
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. Deck-mounted single hole mixer with slim...
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap suitable for intensive use in professi...
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap. Deck-mounted single hole mixer with: - V...
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap suitable for intensive use in professiona...
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with swivelling, tubular spout Ø 22mm H. 195mm...
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with swivelling, tubular spout Ø 22mm H. 190mm...
Wall-mounted twin hole mixer with swivelling, tubular under spout Ø 22mm L. 2...
Deck-mounted single hole catering mixer.Swivelling tubular spout H. 255mm L. ...
Deck-mounted single hole catering mixer.Swivelling tubular spout H. 355mm L. ...
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with extension column for installation on stov...
Complete pre-rinse set with no bib tap, suitable for intensive use in profess...
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap suitable for intensive use in professiona...
Deck-mounted time flow basin mixer:Time flow ~7 seconds.Flow rate pre-set at ...
Deck-mounted time flow basin mixer:Time flow ~7 seconds.Flow rate pre-set at ...
Deck-mounted time flow lever-operated basin mixer:Time flow ~7 seconds.Flow r...
Deck-mounted time flow lever-operated basin mixer:Time flow ~7 seconds.Flow r...
Deck-mounted time flow basin tap.Swivelling swan neck spout L. 150mm.Scale-re...
Deck-mounted time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Time flow ~7 seconds....
Deck-mounted time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Time flow ~7 seconds....
Deck-mounted time flow basin mixer :Soft-touch operation.Time flow ~7 seconds...
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Wall-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Wall-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Recessed TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer kit 2/2:Tamperproof chrome-plated metal plate...
Recessed TEMPOMIX 3 basin mixer kit 2/2:Tamperproof chrome-plated metal plate...
Wall-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
TEMPOMIX 3 recessed time flow basin mixer:Tamperproof chrome-plated metal pla...
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Deck-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Wall-mounted single control time flow basin mixer:Soft-touch operation.Temper...
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap suitable for intensive use in professiona...
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer, M1/2" with 100 - 240mm adjustable centres.Swive...
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.Suitable for intensive use in professiona...
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.Suitable for intensive use in professi...
Deck-mounted single hole mixer for professional kitchens.Mixer for plunge sin...
Wall-mounted twin hole mixer with telescopic, swivelling under-spout Ø 22mm L...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sequential basin mixer.Straight spout H...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic basin mixer.Thermostatic sequential mix...
Deck-mounted thermostatic sequential SECURITHERM BIOCLIP basin mixer.Removabl...
Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM basin mixer.BIOCLIP: mixer is easy to r...
Deck-mounted thermostatic sequential SECURITHERM BIOCLIP basin mixer.Removabl...
Deck-mounted thermostatic sequential SECURITHERM BIOCLIP basin mixer.Removabl...
Wall-mounted thermostatic sink mixer with removable BIOCLIP spout.Mixer suppl...
Wall-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Wall-mounted thermostatic mixer with removable BIOCLIP spout.Mixer supplied w...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sequential basin mixer. Ideal for baby ...
Wall-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Pillar-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mi...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...
Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer. BIOCLIP: mixer is easy to ...
Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Sequential thermostatic mixe...
Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Sequential thermostatic mixe...
Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Sequential thermostatic mixe...
SECURITHERM thermostatic dual control basin mixer.Tall, single hole mixer wit...
Uudisrakennus | Helsinki | 98,00 milj €
Monimuotoinen ja wau-efektejä sisältävä keskustakirjasto Oodi on arkkitehtoni...
Tuote: Dyson käsienkuivaimet
18 elokuvateatteria 10:ssä kaupungissa tekee Finnkinosta isoimman kinoketjun ...
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Uudisrakennus | Helsinki | Ei tiedossa
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Tuote: Hanat ja sekoittajat