Laadukkaat Delabie-tuotteet 30 vuoden takuulla

Päivämäärä: 2.10.2024

Delabie on Euroopan johtava saniteettitilojen tuotteiden valmistaja, joka huomioi ratkaisuissaan etenkin äärimmäisen kestävyyden, hygieenisyyden sekä ympäristöystävällisyyden. Delabie tarjoaa tuotteilleen 30 vuoden takuun ja 50 vuoden korjattavuuden, varaosien saannin muodossa.

Pitkä takuuaika viestii siitä, että myös Delabie itse luottaa tuotteisiinsa ja niiden kestävyyteen. Ja miksi ei luottaisi – onhan yrityksellä lähes 100 vuoden kokemus laadukkaista ja kestävistä julkisten saniteettitilojen ratkaisuista! Sopivia tuotteita löytyy niin kauppakeskuksiin, kouluihin, urheiluhalleihin, sairaaloihin kuin vankiloihin.

Delabien innovaatiot ovat ainulaatuisia

Delabie tekee aktiivisesti tuotekehitystä, jonka ansiosta heidän tuotteensa ovat innovatiivisia, elinkaaren pituuteen panostavia ja uusimmat vaatimukset täyttäviä. Esimerkiksi useilta valikoimastamme löytyvillä Delabie-hanoilta ja -suihkuilta löytyy STF-merkintä. Delabien tuotteet kestävät jatkuvaa ja kovaa käyttöä sekä ilkivaltaa.

Tuotteiden korkea laatu varmistetaan huolellisella laadunvalvonnalla prosessin kaikissa vaiheissa. Delabien tuotanto toimii edelleen Pohjois-Ranskassa, jossa kestävistä materiaaleista valmistetut LVI-kalusteet tehdään, ja vain paras laatu hyväksytään. Aiemmin takuuaika oli 10 vuotta, mutta Delabie halusi pidentää takuuaikaa, sillä tuotteet ovat todistetusti pitkäikäisiä. Kestävät ja korjattavat tuotteet ansaitsevat 30 vuoden takuun.

Kalusteet, jotka on tehty kestämään kovaa käyttöä

Uuteen rakentamislakiin sisältyy kestävää rakentamista tukevia velvoitteita, jotka vaativat rakennusten pitkäikäisyyttä. Näitä ovat rakennusten elinkaariominaisuudet, kuten säilyvyys ja uudelleenkäytettävyys. Delabien tuotevalikoima on loistava valinta elinkaarihankkeisiin.

Valitsemalla Delabien kalusteet julkisiin tiloihin, teet vaivattoman ratkaisun ympäristön eteen. Useissa malleissa on suuri energian- ja vedensäästö, mikä vaikuttaa positiivisesti niin ympäristöön kuin kuluihin.

Lisäksi Delabien tarjoama 50 vuoden korjattavuus tukee kestävää rakentamista. 50 vuoden korjattavuuden takaaminen on ainutlaatuinen etu markkinoilla, jollaista suurin osa kilpailijoista ei pysty tarjoamaan. Delabie haluaa tarjota mahdollisuuden korjata kalusteet uuden ostamisen sijasta.

AQVA Professional on Suomessa Delabien virallinen maahantuoja, ja valikoimastamme löydät kalusteet kaikenlaisiin julkisiin tiloihin.

Tutustu Delabien tuotteisiin verkkosivullamme:

Haluatko nähdä ja tutustua Delabien tuotteisiin paikan päällä?
Tule Finnbuild messuille 8.–10.10. Löydät meidät osastolta 7c119.


Lisää tuotteesta Suihkut


Delabien tuotevalikoimassa laaja valikoima suihkumalleja, jotka soveltuvat esimerkiksi kylpylöihin, urheiluhalleihin, uimahalleihin, sairaaloihin ja vankiloihin sekä muihin julkisiin tiloihin.

Itsesulkeutuvat läpivirtausventtiilit
Itsesulkeutuvat suihkupaneelit
Itsesulkeutuvat suihkupaneelit MIX
Itsesulkeutuvat suihkusetit
Muut suihkusetit
RST suihkualtaat
Suihkupäät paneeleihin ja seiniin
Suihkutornit ja rantasuihkut
Suljettavat suihkuhanat ja -sekoittajat


Kysyttävää? Ota meihin yhteyttä!

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H9610 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9610 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Wall-mounted thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixer: opens and...

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SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing shower mixer

2239EP SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing shower mixer

Wall-mounted single control mechanical mixer.Ø 40mm ceramic cartridge with pr...

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2445EP SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing basin mixer

2445EP SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing basin mixer

Wall-mounted SECURITHERM pressure-balancing basin mixer.Anti-scalding safety:...

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SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing mixer

2446LEP SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing mixer

Wall-mounted SECURITHERM Pressure Balancing (EP) basin mixer.Anti-scalding sa...

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2446LEPUK SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing mixer

2446LEPUK SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing mixer

Wall-mounted SECURITHERM basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Anti-scalding sa...

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2447LEPUK SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing mixer

2447LEPUK SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing mixer

SECURITHERM pressure-balancing wall-mounted mechanical sink mixer, 200mm cent...

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SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing mixer

2456EP SECURITHERM EP pressure-balancing mixer

Wall-mounted SECURITHERM basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Anti-scalding sa...

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Pressure balancing basin mixer SECURITHERM

2521EP Pressure balancing basin mixer SECURITHERM

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM pressure-balancing basin mixer.Spout H. 85mm L. 135m...

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2539EP SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing shower mixer

2539EP SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing shower mixer

Wall-mounted single control mechanical shower mixer.Ø 40mm ceramic cartridge ...

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2539S Mechanical shower mixer

2539S Mechanical shower mixer

Mechanical shower mixer.Ø 40mm ceramic cartridge and pre-set maximum temperat...

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2541 Recessed mechanical shower mixer

2541 Recessed mechanical shower mixer

Mechanical shower mixer which can be recessed; kit 2/2.Single control mixer w...

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2551EP Recessed shower mixer with pressure-balancing

2551EP Recessed shower mixer with pressure-balancing

Mechanical shower mixer with pressure-balancing which can be recessed; with a...

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2565T5EP SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing basin mixer

2565T5EP SECURITHERM EP pressure balancing basin mixer

SECURITHERM pressure-balancing basin mixer.High fixed spout H. 205mm L. 200mm...

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2621EP SECURITHERM EP BIOSAFE pressure balancing basin mixer

2621EP SECURITHERM EP BIOSAFE pressure balancing basin mixer

Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Single hole mecha...

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2621MINIEP SECURITHERM EP BIOSAFE pressure balancing basin mixer

2621MINIEP SECURITHERM EP BIOSAFE pressure balancing basin mixer

Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Single hole mecha...

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2739EP Pressure balancing shower mixer SECURITHERM

2739EP Pressure balancing shower mixer SECURITHERM

Wall-mounted single hole mechanical shower mixer.Wall-mounted single hole mix...

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2739EPHYG SECURITHERM EP auto-drainging shower kit

2739EPHYG SECURITHERM EP auto-drainging shower kit

Shower kit with wall-mounted single control mechanical mixer.SECURITHERM show...

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2820TEP SECURITHERM EP BIOCLIP pressure-balancing basin mixer

2820TEP SECURITHERM EP BIOCLIP pressure-balancing basin mixer

Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.BIOCLIP mechanica...

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2821TEP SECURITHERM EP BIOCLIP pressure-balancing basin mixer

2821TEP SECURITHERM EP BIOCLIP pressure-balancing basin mixer

Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.BIOCLIP mechanica...

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2921TEP SECURITHERM EP BIOSAFE pressure balancing basin mixer

2921TEP SECURITHERM EP BIOSAFE pressure balancing basin mixer

Deck-mounted mechanical basin mixer with pressure-balancing.Single hole mixer...

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452150 TEMPOMATIC electronic shower valve

452150 TEMPOMATIC electronic shower valve

Cross wall electronic shower valve:TEMPOMATIC electronic valve for mixed wate...

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452565 TEMPOMATIC electronic shower valve

452565 TEMPOMATIC electronic shower valve

Recessed electronic shower valve:TEMPOMATIC electronic valve for mixed water ...

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452569 TEMPOMATIC electronic shower kit

452569 TEMPOMATIC electronic shower kit

Recessed electronic shower kit:TEMPOMATIC electronic shower valve for mixed w...

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510110 Sliding shower head holder for shower rails

510110 Sliding shower head holder for shower rails

Shower head holder for support rails.High strength polyamide (Nylon).Bright w...

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510579 Soap dispenser specifically for showers

510579 Soap dispenser specifically for showers

Soap dispenser for showers.Specifically designed for showers: 100% waterproof...

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708000 RAINY shower head

708000 RAINY shower head

Fixed shower head.Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.A higher flow rate can be achieved...

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708010 RAINY shower head

708010 RAINY shower head

Fixed shower head.Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.A higher flow rate can be achieved...

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708030 RAINY shower head

708030 RAINY shower head

Fixed shower head.Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.A higher flow rate can be achieved...

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708040 RAINY shower head

708040 RAINY shower head

Shower head.Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.A higher flow rate can be achieved: remo...

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709150 Shower head ROUND

709150 Shower head ROUND

Fixed shower head:For cross wall installation (180mm max).Flow rate 6 lpm at ...

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709200 Shower head ROUND

709200 Shower head ROUND

Fixed shower head:For cross wall installation (230mm max.).Flow rate 6 lpm at...

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710040 Shower arm

710040 Shower arm

Horizontal shower arm.Enables wall-mounted installation of the shower head.Fo...

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710050 Shower arm

710050 Shower arm

Vertical shower arm.Enables ceiling-mounted installation of the shower head.F...

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714700DP SPORTING 2 shower panel

714700DP SPORTING 2 shower panel

Time flow shower panel:Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated satin finish pane...

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714800 SPORTING 2 shower panel

714800 SPORTING 2 shower panel

Electronic shower panel:Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated satin finish pan...

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714900 SPORTING MIX 2 SECURITHERM shower panel

714900 SPORTING MIX 2 SECURITHERM shower panel

Thermostatic electronic shower panel:Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated sat...

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714910 SPORTING MIX 2 SECURITHERM shower panel

714910 SPORTING MIX 2 SECURITHERM shower panel

Thermostatic electronic shower panel:Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated sat...

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747110 TEMPOSTOP time flow shower kit

747110 TEMPOSTOP time flow shower kit

Time flow shower kit for cross wall installation:TEMPOSTOP time flow valve M½...

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749310 TEMPOSOFT time flow shower panel

749310 TEMPOSOFT time flow shower panel

Time flow shower panel:Anodised aluminium panel for wall-mounted, exposed ins...

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749350 TEMPOSOFT time flow shower panel

749350 TEMPOSOFT time flow shower panel

Time flow shower panel:Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, expo...

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792300 Thermostatic time flow shower panel SECURITHERM

792300 Thermostatic time flow shower panel SECURITHERM

Thermostatic time flow shower panel :Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall...

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Thermostatic time flow shower panel SECURITHERM Ø15

79230015 Thermostatic time flow shower panel SECURITHERM Ø15

Time flow thermostatic shower panel:Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-...

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792310 SECURITHERM shower panel

792310 SECURITHERM shower panel

Thermostatic time flow shower panel:Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-...

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792400 Thermostatic electronic shower panel SECURITHERM

792400 Thermostatic electronic shower panel SECURITHERM

Thermostatic electronic shower panel:Anodised aluminium shower panel for wall...

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792459 SECURITHERM electronic shower mixer

792459 SECURITHERM electronic shower mixer

Recessed thermostatic electronic shower, kit 2/2:Tamperproof polished satin s...

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792514 SECURITHERM thermostatic shower panel

792514 SECURITHERM thermostatic shower panel

Electronic thermostatic shower panel:Large stainless steel panel for wall-mou...

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792BOX Recessed housing for SECURITHERM shower

792BOX Recessed housing for SECURITHERM shower

Waterproof housing kit 1/2:For thermostatic shower mixer.Partition thickness ...

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801 Single jet shower kit

801 Single jet shower kit

Single jet shower kit:- chrome-plated stainless steel shower rail Ø 22mm, ove...

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850 Shelf for dual control shower mixers

850 Shelf for dual control shower mixers

Chrome-plated shelf ideal for dual control thermostatic shower mixers (see re...

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9108 Wall-mounted safety shower

9108 Wall-mounted safety shower

Wall-mounted safety shower with manual control equipped with:Frost-free syste...

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9203 Eye wash and safety shower combination

9203 Eye wash and safety shower combination

Free-standing eye wash and safety shower combination with manual or foot cont...

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9768 SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

9768 SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer.Thermostatic mixer with no...

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9769 SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

9769 SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer.Thermostatic mixer with no...

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Thermostatic basin mixer SECURITHERM

H9600 Thermostatic basin mixer SECURITHERM

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sequential basin mixer.Straight spout H...

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H9601 Thermostatic basin mixer SECURITHERM

H9601 Thermostatic basin mixer SECURITHERM

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic basin mixer.Thermostatic sequential mix...

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SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

H9605 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic sequential SECURITHERM BIOCLIP basin mixer.Removabl...

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SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

H96051 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM basin mixer.BIOCLIP: mixer is easy to r...

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SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

H960515 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic sequential SECURITHERM BIOCLIP basin mixer.Removabl...

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SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

H9605610 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic basin mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic sequential SECURITHERM BIOCLIP basin mixer.Removabl...

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H9611 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9611 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Wall-mounted thermostatic sink mixer with removable BIOCLIP spout.Mixer suppl...

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H9611P SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9611P SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Wall-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H9611S SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9611S SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Wall-mounted thermostatic mixer with removable BIOCLIP spout.Mixer supplied w...

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SECURITHERM sequential basin mixer

H9612 SECURITHERM sequential basin mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sequential basin mixer. Ideal for baby ...

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H9614P SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9614P SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Wall-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H9615 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9615 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Pillar-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mi...

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H9620 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

H9620 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H96201 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

H96201 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H962015 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

H962015 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H96201BEL SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

H96201BEL SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H9620610 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

H9620610 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H9625 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9625 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer. BIOCLIP: mixer is easy to ...

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H96251 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H96251 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Sequential thermostatic mixe...

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H962515 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

H962515 SECURITHERM thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Sequential thermostatic mixe...

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H9625610 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

H9625610 SECURITHERM BIOCLIP thermostatic sink mixer

Deck-mounted thermostatic SECURITHERM sink mixer.Sequential thermostatic mixe...

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H9630 Sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9630 Sequential thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM thermostatic sequential shower mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H9631 Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9631 Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

Recessed thermostatic shower mixer, kit 2/2 :Thermostatic sequential shower m...

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H9631L Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9631L Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

Recessed thermostatic shower, kit 2/2 :Thermostatic sequential mixer: opens a...

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Thermostatic shower mixer SECURITHERM

H9632 Thermostatic shower mixer SECURITHERM

Recessed SECURITHERM individual sequential thermostatic shower mixer. Opens/c...

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H9633 Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9633 Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

Recessed thermostatic shower mixer with angled outlet, kit 2/2 :Sequential th...

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H9633BEL Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9633BEL Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

Recessed thermostatic shower mixer with angled outlet, kit 2/2 :Sequential th...

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H9633L Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9633L Recessed sequential thermostatic shower mixer

Recessed thermostatic shower with elbow outlet, kit 2/2 :Thermostatic sequent...

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H963615 Aluminium shower panel with SECURITHERM sequential mixer

H963615 Aluminium shower panel with SECURITHERM sequential mixer

SECURITHERM anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted exposed installa...

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Sequential shower panel SECURITHERM

H9639 Sequential shower panel SECURITHERM

SECURITHERM anodised aluminium shower panel for wall-mounted, exposed install...

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H9640S Sequential thermostatic shower mixer

H9640S Sequential thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM thermostatic sequential shower mixer.Thermostatic sequential mixe...

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H96BOX Recessed housing for thermostatic shower mixers

H96BOX Recessed housing for thermostatic shower mixers

Recessed waterproof housing for thermostatic sequential shower mixers, kit 1/...

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H96CBOX Recessed housing for thermostatic shower mixers

H96CBOX Recessed housing for thermostatic shower mixers

Waterproof recessing housing for sequential thermostatic shower mixer, kit 1/...

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H9726 SECURITHERM thermostatic basin mixer

H9726 SECURITHERM thermostatic basin mixer

SECURITHERM thermostatic dual control basin mixer.Tall, single hole mixer wit...

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H9739 SECURITHERM thermostatic shower mixer

H9739 SECURITHERM thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer:Mixer with anti-scalding s...

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H9741 Thermostatic shower mixer SECURITHERM

H9741 Thermostatic shower mixer SECURITHERM

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer.Thermostatic mixer with an...

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SECURITHERM auto-drainging thermostatic shower kit

H9741HYG SECURITHERM auto-drainging thermostatic shower kit

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower kit with auto-draining device. M...

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H9768 SECURITHERM BIOSAFE thermostatic shower mixer

H9768 SECURITHERM BIOSAFE thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer ideal for healthcare facil...

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H9768BEL SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

H9768BEL SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer.Thermostatic mixer with no...

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H9768S SECURITHERM BIOSAFE thermostatic shower mixer

H9768S SECURITHERM BIOSAFE thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer ideal for healthcare facil...

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H9768TP SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

H9768TP SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer.Thermostatic mixer with no...

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H9769 SECURITHERM BIOSAFE thermostatic shower mixer

H9769 SECURITHERM BIOSAFE thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM BIOSAFE dual control thermostatic shower mixer.No risk of cross f...

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H9769S SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

H9769S SECURITHERM Securitouch thermostatic shower mixer

SECURITHERM dual control thermostatic shower mixer.Thermostatic mixer with no...

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Delabie BIM

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