Steni Colour julkisivulevyillä voit leikkiä väreillä, väriyhdistelmillä ja pinnoilla ja antaa rakennukselle persoonallisen ilmeen. Voit valita erikoisvärin NCS- tai RAL -väreistä. Muokkaa kolmella reunavärillämme, jotka ovat valkoinen tai tumma ydin tai musta reunamaalaus.
Perustuen kaupunkialueiden historiallisiin väreihin, esittelemme tässä valikoiman värejä ja sävyjä, jotka on valittu inspiroimaan luovaa ilmaisua. Värit eivät ole trendikkäitä tai muodinmukaisia. Nämä värit ovat ajattomia, rehellisiä ja merkityksellisiä.
Upouusi värimallisto, joka on kehitetty yhteistyössä Skandinavian johtavien väriasiantuntijoiden kanssa. Värien avulla on helppo ylläpitää paikka-identiteettiä ja oikeaa värien käyttöä kaupunkialueilla.
Uusi värikartta korostaa kulttuurihistoriallista väriluonnetta, ja se perustuu kulttuurihistoriallisiin yhdistelmiin barokista modernismiin.
Olemme kehittäneet digitaalisen työkalun, jolla voit kokeilla erilaisia väriyhdistelmiä löytääksesi täydellisen yhdistelmän projektillesi. Klikkaa tästä kokeillaksesi sitä nyt.
STENI Colour –levyjä on saatavilla kolmella eri kiiltoasteella: matta, puolihimmeä ja korkeakiiltoinen
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Design and quality in the same facade panel. Steni Colour is a facade panel m...
Sisp. korjaus | Joensuu | Ei tiedossa
Sisp. korjauskohde rakennustyyppiluokassa kerrostalot, paikkakunnalla Joensuu...
Tuote: Steni Colour
Uudisrakennus | Hamarøy | 15-30 Mnok
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Uudisrakennus | Espoo | 5,00 milj €
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Tuote: Steni Colour
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