Viva Vivid 1-sided bicycle shelter, 3840 mm, 10 bicycles

Viva Vivid 1-sided bicycle shelter, 3840 mm, 10 bicycles

Viva Vivid 1-sided bicycle shelter, 3840 mm, 10 bicycles

Viva Vivid bicycle is available as a modular shelter. Standard sizes are approx. 2700, 4000, 5300, 6600, 7900, 9200 mm etc. If you need an even longer shelter, please be in touch with our customer service for additional help. 

ViVa Vivid is compatible with all of our bicycle stand models: CubiQ Premium and Standard, Treo, U2 and FiPo.

ViVa Vivid is a stylish and compact bicycle shelter. This shelter fits perfectly even into more demanding locations where ease of access clear visibility is a must. 

All Finbin shelters are CE certified for maximum safety.


Product family: Shelter Product group: Bicycle shelter
Main material: Steel Designed in: Finland
Manufactured in: Finland Height (mm): 2450
Width (mm): 3840 Depth (mm): 2000
Publishing date: 7.12.2020 Product page
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