


Kylpy pitkän ja kiireisen päivän jälkeen rentouttaa ja tuo tarpeellista luksusta arkeen.

Kylpyammeesta tulee luonnollinen keskipiste kylpyhuoneessa; tyylikkäät ja käytännölliset kylpyammeemme sopivat tehtävään täydellisesti. Valitse amme kehikolla tai ilman, väriltään valkoinen tai musta, uppoasennettu tai tyylikäs jaloilla seisova tassuamme. Kylpyammeita on myös saatavana liukastumisenestokäsiteltyinä sekä erityisellä pintakäsittelyllä, joka helpottaa ammeen puhdistamista. Täältä löydät kaikki kylpyammeemme, joille kaikille on yhteistä laatu, toimivuus, sekä tyylikäs viimeistely.

Kylpyamme kehikolla

Kylpyamme kehikolla

Gustavsbergin kylpyammeita on saatavana erilaisilla kehikoilla varustettuina.

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Gustavsbergin tassuammeiden ulkonäkö on ainutlaatuinen ja trendikäs.

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Upotettava amme

Upotettava amme

Jos haluat kylpyhuoneeseesi ylellistä tunnelmaa, upotettava amme voi olla rat...

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Kylpyamme ilman kehikkoa

Kylpyamme ilman kehikkoa

Gustavsbergin kylpyammeet ilman kehikkoa ovat muotoilultaan siistejä ja moder...

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Gustavsberg toimittaa myös monia erilaisia tarvikkeita kylpyammettasi varten

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Esitteet, kuvastot ja muu markkinointimateriaali.

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Suunnittelu & Asennus

Suunnittelu & Asennus

Suunnittele fiksumpi kylpyhuone

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Kysyttävää? Ota meihin yhteyttä!

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Kaikki BIM-objektit

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Bath tub door Square 70
Bath tub door Square 80
Bathtub with full panel - 1050 x 650

Bathtub with full panel - 1050 x 650

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combination

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Bathtub with full panel – 1300 x 700

Bathtub with full panel – 1300 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel – 1400 x 700

Bathtub with full panel – 1400 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel – 1500 x 700

Bathtub with full panel – 1500 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel – 1570 x 700

Bathtub with full panel – 1570 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel – 1600 x 700

Bathtub with full panel – 1600 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel – 1700 x 700

Bathtub with full panel – 1700 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel, Combi – 1600 x 700

Bathtub with full panel, Combi – 1600 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel, Combi – 1700 x 700

Bathtub with full panel, Combi – 1700 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with full panel, Duo – 1600 x 700

Bathtub with full panel, Duo – 1600 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel – 1300 x 700

Bathtub with half panel – 1300 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel – 1400 x 700

Bathtub with half panel – 1400 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel – 1500 x 700

Bathtub with half panel – 1500 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel – 1570 x 700

Bathtub with half panel – 1570 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel – 1600 x 700

Bathtub with half panel – 1600 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel, Combi – 1600 x 700

Bathtub with half panel, Combi – 1600 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with half panel, Duo – 1600 x 700

Bathtub with half panel, Duo – 1600 x 700

Made of titanium steel and enamel, an extremely durable combinationComplete w...

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Bathtub with support frame - 1570x700

Bathtub with support frame - 1570x700

Standard bathtub for replacement/update, exterior enamelled.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1400X700 - 3400

Built in bathtub Duo - 1400X700 - 3400

Standard bathtub for built-in installation.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1500X700 - 3500

Built in bathtub Duo - 1500X700 - 3500

Standard bathtub for built-in installation.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1600X700 - 1220

Built in bathtub Duo - 1600X700 - 1220

Duo bathtub for built-in installation, designed as bath for two people.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1600X700 - 3600

Built in bathtub Duo - 1600X700 - 3600

Standard bathtub for built-in installation.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1700X700 - 3970

Built in bathtub Duo - 1700X700 - 3970

Standard bathtub for built-in installation.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1700X750 - 1380

Built in bathtub Duo - 1700X750 - 1380

Duo bathtub for built-in installation, designed as bath for two people.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1800X800 - 6830

Built in bathtub Duo - 1800X800 - 6830

Duo bathtub for built-in installation, designed as bath for two people.

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Built in bathtub Duo - 1900X900 - 6831

Built in bathtub Duo - 1900X900 - 6831

Duo bathtub for built-in installation, designed as bath for two people.

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Built in bathtub Kombi - 1600X700 - 3410

Built in bathtub Kombi - 1600X700 - 3410

Combi bathtub for built-in installation, designed for bath and shower.

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Built in bathtub Kombi - 1700X700 - 3411

Built in bathtub Kombi - 1700X700 - 3411

Combi bathtub for built-in installation, designed for bath and shower.

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Built in bathtub, off set left

Built in bathtub, off set left

Offset bathtub for built-in installation, designed for corner placement.

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Built in bathtub, off set right
Free-standing Bathtub Duo - 1580x730

Free-standing Bathtub Duo - 1580x730

Freestanding bathtub in modern design for two people with double head ends.

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Free-standing Bathtub Duo - 1680x730

Free-standing Bathtub Duo - 1680x730

Freestanding bathtub in modern design for two people with double head ends.

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Nautic Bathtub mixer

Nautic Bathtub mixer

Shower faucet Nautic - thermostat With shower connection downwards, 150 c-c

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Gustavsberg Suomi videot

Gustavsberg Suomi videot

Esittely ja asennusvideot

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EPD:n mukaan ympäristöluokitellut tuotteet

Liittyviä tuotteita



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