Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala kasvoi neljänneksellä
Maassamme on käynnissä sairaaloiden nykyaikaistamisen buumi. Tämä pohjautuu tarpeesiin, jotka vain sattuvat ajoittumaan lähes samanaikaisiksi. Oulun, Jyväskylän, Tampereen, Kuopion ja Kainuun sairaalhankkeet ovat yhteensä noin puolentoista miljardin euron suuruusluokkaa. Niiden ajoitukset tuovat myös hieman helpotusta suunnittelijoiden ja rakentajien pahaan työllisuustilanteeseen.
Teksti ja kuvat: Pekka Agarth.Kohde on esitelty ProjektiUutiset 3/2015 -lehdessä. Lue esittely tästä.
Luokittelemattomia ovia käytetään julkisissa rakennuksissa kuten toimistoissa, kouluissa ja sairaaloissa iskuja kestävinä ovina perinteisesti saranoituina, heiluriovina tai liukuovina.
JELD-WEN teki KYSin Kaarisairaalaan historiansa mittavimman sairaalaovitoimituksen – noin 1200 oviratkaisua.
Palo- ja ääniluokiteltuja ovia on kohteessa 700 kappaletta. Paloluokitus ovissa on EI130 tai EI260 ja ääniluokitus on 30 dB. Loput 500 on luokittelemattomia ovia. Lisäksi toimitukseen kuului noin 850 ovien sähköpielien peitelevyä.
Kaikissa Kaarisairaalaan toimitetuissa JELD-WENin ovilevyissä on massiivikovapuureuna, tammi- tai koivureuna ovilevyn ympäri. Ovet ovat sekä umpiovia että lasitettuja. Lasitetuissa ovissa on useita erilaisia lasiaukkoja. Osa luokitelluista ovista on lasitettuja.
Kohteen karmit ovat maalattuja mäntykarmeja ja massiivitammikarmeja. Tietyissä karmeissa on RST-suoja, joka suojaa karmeja kolhuilta.
Latauskeskuksesta dokumentit ja asiakirjat (asennusohjeet, esitteet, sertifik...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
Craft is a contemporary version of the classic hand-built panel doors. Craft ...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The 40D is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS12 Fcore is a high-performance interior door made for professionell us...
The FS3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The FS3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The FS3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. S...
The FS6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage.Fir...
The FS7 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The FS7 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The FS7 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S3 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Suit...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S41 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S51 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Su...
The S51 Steel Frame is a high-performance interior door made for professione...
The S51 Steel Frame is a high-performance interior door made for profession...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S6 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S7 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S7 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
The S7 is a high-performance interior door made for professionell usage. Sui...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Stable is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Steady is a range of interior doors that stands for simplicity and Scandinavi...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
Unique is a range of modern and exciting interior doors where the option is i...
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Ovivalikoimamme tarjoaa sisä- ja ulko-ovet sekä uusiin että saneerattaviin ke...
Ääni- ja paloluokitellut saranoidut ovet ovat massiivirakenteisia ovia, jotka...
Luokittelemattomia ovia käytetään julkisissa rakennuksissa kuten toimistoissa...
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Sisp. korjaus | Lahti | 17,3 milj. €
Sisp. korjauskohde rakennustyyppiluokassa sairaalat, paikkakunnalla Lahti. ...
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