Silestone Eternal Calacatta Gold

Silestone Eternal Calacatta Gold

Silestone Eternal Calacatta Gold

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more than 90% of natural quartz which means it possesses strength in its surfaces, providing outstanding resistance and durability properties that you need in your home. These characteristics provide the best option not only for your kitchen but also in bathroom, floors and cladding. Discover its colors, textures and formats with the minimum number of joints but the highest warranty of hygiene and easy maintenance.

A colour made up of a white background through which elegant, wide grey highlights are interspersed with unexpected golden glints. Eternal Calacatta Gold, with its eternal, distinguished appearance, pays homage to a marble which has been held in high esteem since ancient times.


Product family: Silestone. The Original Product group: Eternal Collection
Main material: Aggregated natural stone Designed in: Spain
Manufactured in: Spain Height (mm): 1590
Width (mm): 3250 Publishing date: 6.12.2019
Installation instruction Product certification
Technical description Product page
Instruction video
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