SikaFuko® VT-2 Re-injectable hose for sealing construction joints

SikaFuko® VT-2 Re-injectable hose for sealing construction joints

SikaFuko® VT-2 Re-injectable hose for sealing construction joints

SikaFuko® VT-2 is a re-injectable hose for sealing various construction and connection joints in watertight concrete structures. To seal the joint, SikaFuko® VT-2 is injected with suitable Sika® Injection materials, such as acrylate and cement suspensions (for multiple injections) or polyurethane and epoxy resins (for single injection). With the integrated ‘valve techniques’ the hose can be used to re-inject multiple times if necessary.


  • Sealing construction and connection joints
  • Suitable for many different structures and construction methods where additional joint security/safety is required
  • Sealing of diaphragm wall (D-Wall) with SikaFuko® VT-2
  • Prevents water ingress through concrete joints in the following typical structures: Water retaining or excluding structures, water reservoirs, dams, canals, sewage treatment plants, tunnels, subways, retaining walls
  • As a back-up system for waterbars
  • Enables testing for water leaks

Characteristics / Advantages

  • Uses unique ‘valve techniques’ for injection
  • Multiple re-injections with Sika injection acrylate resins or cement lime/microfine cement suspension
  • One-time injectable with Sika injection polyurethane and epoxy resins
  • Easy and secure installation
  • Ideal back-up system in combination with waterbars
  • Long-term references on many international projects


    Product family: Waterproofing Product group: Re-injectable hose
    Main material: PVC Publishing date: 10.4.2023
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