Mipolam Elegance

Mipolam Elegance

Mipolam Elegance

MIPOLAM ELEGANCE is a monolayer homogeneous flooring with a high PVC content pressed in 2m sheets, with a thickness of 2mm and a weight of ≤ 2850g.
The non directional design with colour throughout the thickness integrates a 3D effect (transparent particles in pure PVC on all 33 references) and a matt finish.
This flooring is recommended for administrative buildings making skirtings easier, as well as angles and welding.
The flooring is equipped with Evercare™ the latest improvements in polyurethane surface treatment obtained by UV laser cross-linking. This Evercare™ treatment avoids staining of chemical products used in Healthcare like betadine, eosin or anti-bacterial hand gel and increases the durability of the flooring.
This treatment has excellent maintenance characteristics and does not require the application of acrylic polishes.
The flooring is composed of minimum 25% recycled content 100% controlled and is REACH compliant.
This flooring is anti-static (<2kV), fungistatic and bacteriostatic and resistant to the main chemical products used in healthcare (no impact of betadine after 24 hours).
The product is non reactive to residual indentation with a value ≤ 0,02 mm (EN 433)
The flooring complies with EN 649 (34-43) offering a group T wear rating suitable for heavy duty traffic areas and Bfl-s1 fire resistance.
The product emission rate of volatile organic compounds is <10 µg/m3 (TVOC after 28 days ISO 16000-6).


Product family: Flooring - Homogeneous Product group: Mipolam
Main material: PVC Designed in: France
Manufactured in: France Publishing date: 26.5.2016
Installation instruction Product certification
Technical description Product page
Revit Revit Zip Zip Archicad Archicad Material Bank Material Bank

Liittyviä tuotteita

Mipolam Elegance EL 5

Mipolam Elegance EL 5

Suuntavapaa homogeeninen lattianpäällyste kovan kulutuksen kohteisiin.

Gerflor Oy

Tilaa Rakennusfaktan uutiskirje – saat tuoteuutiset viikoittain sähköpostiisi
