Floorstanding WC 'rimless', washdown, without flushing rim, outlet horizontal...
Floorstanding cistern, two-part, rear water inlet (left top)
Floorstanding cistern, two-part, water inlet on the right side or at the bottom
Cistern, rear water inlet (centre)
Cistern, water inlet bottom left
Cistern, water connection at the bottom right and left
Cistern, water inlet bottom right
Cistern, side water inlet (left or right)
Floorstanding cistern, two-part, water inlet on the right side or at the bottom
Floorstanding WC 'rimless', close-coupled, washdown, without flushing rim
Floorstanding WC 'rimless', close-coupled, washdown, without flushing rim
Wall hanging Water Closet Bowl, rimless, washdown, cUPC approved
Wall-hung WC 'compact', washdown, rimless
Wall-hung WC 'rimless', washdown, without flushing rim
WC seat and cover, removable, with round seat shape
LAUFEN PRO on monipuolinen ja laadukas kylpyhuonetuotesarja, joka tarjoaa iha...
Laufenin kylpyhuonekalusteissa korostuvat ekologisuus, tyylikkyys ja laatu.
Seinä-wc-elementtien teknologian edelläkävijänä tunnetun Sanitin integroidut...