

Julkisten tilojen ja yritysten saniteettitilojen on oltava hygieenisiä ja turvallisia. KWC-saniteettivarusteet ovat kestäviä ja toimivia: ne täyttävät tiukimmatkin vaatimukset ja vaativat vain vähän kunnossapitoa.

Muodon ja toiminnon selkeys

Koulujen ja urheiluhallien saniteettitiloja käytetään paljon. Silloin käytännölliset, pitkäikäiset ja vettä säästävät tuotteet ovat kysyttyjä. Käytämme uusinta vesikalustetekniikkaa, ruostumatonta terästä ja mineraaligraniittia.

Hanat ja pesualtaat

Ajattoman muotoilunsa ansiosta pesualtaamme sopivat kaikkiin nykyaikaisiin saniteettitiloihin. Niitä on saatavana hanaa varten tehdyillä rei’illä ja ilman. Yhdistelmä hydraulisiin ja elektronisiin vesikalusteisiimme on juuri ihanteellinen.

Moderni muotokieli tuo esteettisiä korostuksia ja vakuuttaa erinomaisella ergonomialla ja helpolla puhdistettavuudella. Pelkistetyt, vankat vesikalusteet sopivat erinomaisesti käytettäväksi vilkkaasti käytetyissä suihku- ja pesutiloissa.


Monet ihmiset haluavat pestä kätensä usein ja arvostavat puhtautta ja hygieniaa arjessa. Kosketusvapaat hanat ja annostelujärjestelmät takaavat turvallisuuden ja hyvän olon. Huomaa laaja valikoimamme korkealaatuisia ratkaisuja julkisiin ja kaupallisiin saniteettitiloihin.

Lasten pesu- ja leikkikouru

KWC Professionalin pesu- ja leikkikanavat on räätälöity tinkimättä lasten tarpeisiin ja kokoon. Valikoima edustaa: Ergonomiaa, kestävyyttä, helppohoitoisuutta, hygieniaa, iloisuutta ja vesihupia.

Hanat ja pesualtaat

Hanat ja pesualtaat

Ajattoman muotoilunsa ansiosta pesualtaamme sopivat kaikkiin nykyaikaisiin sa...

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Monet ihmiset haluavat pestä kätensä usein ja arvostavat puhtautta ja hygieni...

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Lasten pesu- ja leikkikouru

Lasten pesu- ja leikkikouru

KWC Professionalin pesu- ja leikkikanavat on räätälöity tinkimättä lasten tar...

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Asiakaspalvelumme on mielellään apunasi.

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Ohjeet, sertifikaatit ja hiilijalanjälki 2022


Kaikki BIM-objektit

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EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676B

EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676B

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for wall mounting, stainless st...

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EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676EB

EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676EB

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for recessed mounting, stainles...

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EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676EW

EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676EW

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for recessed mounting, stainles...

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EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676EX

EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676EX

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for recessed mounting, stainles...

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EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676W

EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676W

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for wall mounting, stainless st...

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EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676X

EXOS. double toilet roll holder EXOS676X

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for wall mounting, stainless st...

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EXOS. electronic hand dryer EXOS220B

EXOS. electronic hand dryer EXOS220B

Hand dryer for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin-finish, black safety...

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EXOS. electronic hand dryer EXOS220W

EXOS. electronic hand dryer EXOS220W

Hand dryer for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin-finish, white safety...

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EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625B

EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625B

Touch free soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finis...

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EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625EB

EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625EB

Touch free soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin f...

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EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625EW

EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625EW

Touch free soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin f...

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EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625EX

EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625EX

Touch free soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin f...

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EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625W

EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625W

Touch free soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finis...

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EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625X

EXOS. electronic soap dispenser EXOS625X

Touch free soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finis...

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EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616B

EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616B

Foam soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, bla...

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EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616EB

EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616EB

Foam soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish,...

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EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616EW

EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616EW

Foam soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish,...

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EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616EX

EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616EX

Foam soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish,...

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EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616W

EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616W

Foam soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, whi...

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EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616X

EXOS. foam soap dispenser EXOS616X

Foam soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, fro...

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EXOS. hand dryers EXOS220X

EXOS. hand dryers EXOS220X

Hand dryer for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin-finish and InoxPlus ...

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EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611B

EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611B

Hygiene waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, black...

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EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611EB

EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611EB

Hygiene waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, b...

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EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611EW

EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611EW

Hygiene waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, w...

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EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611EX

EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611EX

Hygiene waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish an...

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EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611W

EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611W

Hygiene waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, white...

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EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611X

EXOS. hygiene waste bin EXOS611X

Hygiene waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish and In...

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EXOS. jumbo toilet roll holder EXOS670X

EXOS. jumbo toilet roll holder EXOS670X

Jumbo toilet roll holder for wall mounting, chromium nickel steel, with satin...

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EXOS. multiple washbasin ANMW0014

EXOS. multiple washbasin ANMW0014

EXOS. multiple washbasin made of MIRANIT resin-bonded mineral material with p...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination EXOS602EB

EXOS. paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination EXOS602EB

Paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination for recessed mounting, stainl...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination EXOS602EW

EXOS. paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination EXOS602EW

Paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination for recessed mounting, stainl...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination EXOS602EX

EXOS. paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination EXOS602EX

Paper towel dispenser and waste bin combination for recessed mounting, stainl...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600B

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600B

Paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, b...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600EB

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600EB

Paper towel dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finis...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600EW

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600EW

Paper towel dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finis...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600EX

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600EX

Paper towel dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finis...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600W

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600W

Paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, w...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600X

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS600X

Paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, f...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS637B

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS637B

Manual paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin fi...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS637W

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS637W

Manual paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin fi...

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EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS637X

EXOS. paper towel dispenser EXOS637X

Manual paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin fi...

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EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618B

EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618B

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, black sa...

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EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618EB

EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618EB

Soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, blac...

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EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618EW

EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618EW

Soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, whit...

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EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618EX

EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618EX

Soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, fron...

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EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618W

EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618W

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, white sa...

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EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618X

EXOS. soap dispenser EXOS618X

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, front an...

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EXOS. toilet brush holder EXOS687X

EXOS. toilet brush holder EXOS687X

Toilet brush holder for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish and ...

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EXOS. toilet roll holder EXOS675X

EXOS. toilet roll holder EXOS675X

Toilet roll holder for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish and I...

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EXOS. variable washbasin solution, barrier-free ANMW0015

EXOS. variable washbasin solution, barrier-free ANMW0015

EXOS. washbasin solution, wheelchair accessible, made of MIRANIT resin-bonded...

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EXOS. waste bin EXOS605B

EXOS. waste bin EXOS605B

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, black safety ...

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EXOS. waste bin EXOS605EB

EXOS. waste bin EXOS605EB

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, black saf...

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EXOS. waste bin EXOS605EW

EXOS. waste bin EXOS605EW

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, white saf...

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EXOS. waste bin EXOS605EX

EXOS. waste bin EXOS605EX

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, front and...

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EXOS. waste bin EXOS605W

EXOS. waste bin EXOS605W

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, white safety ...

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EXOS. waste bin EXOS605X

EXOS. waste bin EXOS605X

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel with satin finish, front and cas...

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EXOS. WC cistern control EXOS0027

EXOS. WC cistern control EXOS0027

EXOS - A3000 open opto-electronic WC control for concealed toilet cistern. Wi...

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Extension adapter for F3E bib tap ACEV1001

Extension adapter for F3E bib tap ACEV1001

Extension adapter for F3E bib tap, 30 mm, maximum 1-times stackable, polished...

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Extension set for F3S-Mix ACSM2002

Extension set for F3S-Mix ACSM2002

Extension set for F3S-Mix self-closing single mixer DN 15 for installation in...

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Extension set for F5E-Therm and F3E-Therm ACET9002

Extension set for F5E-Therm and F3E-Therm ACET9002

Extension set for F5E-Therm and F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15, electroni...

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F3E Electronic bib tap F3EV1004

F3E Electronic bib tap F3EV1004

F3E bib tap DN 15 for wall mounting for sanitary facilities, opto-electronica...

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F3E Electronic bib tap F3EV1022

F3E Electronic bib tap F3EV1022

F3E bib tap DN 15 for wall mounting for sanitary facilities, opto-electronica...

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1001

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1001

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1002

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1002

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1003

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1003

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1005

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1005

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1006

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1006

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1007

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1007

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1008

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1008

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1009

F3E electronic pillar tap F3EV1009

F3E pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically controlled....

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F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1018

F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1018

F3E washbasin tap DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall installation...

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F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1019

F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1019

F3E washbasin tap DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall installation...

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F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1020

F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1020

F3E washbasin tap DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall installation...

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F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1021

F3E Electronic washbasin tap F3EV1021

F3E washbasin tap DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall installation...

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F3E washbasin tap F3EV1016

F3E washbasin tap F3EV1016

F3E washbasin tap DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall installation...

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F3E washbasin tap F3EV1017

F3E washbasin tap F3EV1017

F3E washbasin tap DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall installation...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1001

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1001

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1002

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1002

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1003

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1003

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1005

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1005

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1006

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1006

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1007

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1007

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1008

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1008

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1009

F3E-Mix electronic pillar mixer F3EM1009

F3E-Mix pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities, opto-electronically contr...

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F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1016

F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1016

F3E-Mix washbasin mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall instal...

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F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1017

F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1017

F3E-Mix washbasin mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall instal...

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F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1018

F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1018

F3E-Mix washbasin mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall instal...

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F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1019

F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1019

F3E-Mix washbasin mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall instal...

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F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1020

F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1020

F3E-Mix washbasin mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall instal...

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F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1021

F3E-Mix electronic washbasin mixer F3EM1021

F3E-Mix washbasin mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall instal...

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F3E-Therm electronic thermostat wall-mounted mixer F3ET1003

F3E-Therm electronic thermostat wall-mounted mixer F3ET1003

F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15 for wall mounting with lockable swivelling...

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F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1001

F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1001

F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15 for wall mounting with lockable swivelling...

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F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1002

F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1002

F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15 for wall mounting with lockable swivelling...

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F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1010

F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1010

F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall i...

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F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1011

F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1011

F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall i...

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F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1012

F3E-Therm electronic thermostatic mixer F3ET1012

F3E-Therm thermostatic mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for in-wall i...

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F3S self-closing bib tap F3SV1002

F3S self-closing bib tap F3SV1002

F3S self-closing bib tap DN 15 for wall mounting for sanitary facilities. Sel...

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F3S self-closing bib tap F3SV1005

F3S self-closing bib tap F3SV1005

F3S self-closing DN 15 bib tap for sanitary facilities. Self-closing cartridg...

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F3S self-closing bib tap F3SV2001

F3S self-closing bib tap F3SV2001

F3S self-closing bib tap DN 15 as wall fitting for wall mounting for shower f...

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F3S self-closing gate valve F3SV2002

F3S self-closing gate valve F3SV2002

F3S self-closing straight-way valve DN 15 for surface mounting for shower fac...

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F3S self-closing gate valve F3SV2003

F3S self-closing gate valve F3SV2003

F3S self-closing straight-way valve DN 15 for in-wall mounting with noise-red...

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F3S self-closing gate valve F3SV2004

F3S self-closing gate valve F3SV2004

F3S self-closing straight-way valve DN 15 for surface mounting for shower fac...

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F3S self-closing pillar tap F3SV1001

F3S self-closing pillar tap F3SV1001

F3S Self-closing pillar tap DN 15 for sanitary facilities. Self-closing cartr...

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F3S Self-closing pillar tap F3SV1004

F3S Self-closing pillar tap F3SV1004

F3S self-closing DN 15 pillar tap for sanitary facilities. Self-closing cartr...

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F3S self-closing straight-way valve F3SV1003

F3S self-closing straight-way valve F3SV1003

F3S self-closing DN 15 shower valve for wall mounting with noise-reducing sty...

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F3S self-closing straight-way valve F3SV2005

F3S self-closing straight-way valve F3SV2005

F3S self-closing straight-way valve DN 15 as finished installation kit for in...

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F3S Self-closing straight-way valve F3SV2009

F3S Self-closing straight-way valve F3SV2009

F3S Self-closing straight-way valve DN 20 for in-wall mounting, for shower fa...

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F3S-Mix self-closing in-wall mixer F3SM2004

F3S-Mix self-closing in-wall mixer F3SM2004

F3S-Mix self-closing single-mixer DN 15 as finished installation kit for inst...

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F3S-Mix self-closing pillar mixer F3SM1001

F3S-Mix self-closing pillar mixer F3SM1001

F3S-Mix self-closing pillar mixer DN 15 for sanitary facilities. Self-closing...

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F3S-Mix self-closing pillar mixer F3SM1008

F3S-Mix self-closing pillar mixer F3SM1008

F3S-Mix self-closing DN 15 pillar mixer for sanitary facilities. Self-closing...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1002

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1002

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer tap for wall mo...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1003

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1003

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer tap for wall mo...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1004

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1004

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer tap for wall mo...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1005

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1005

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer tap for wall mo...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1006

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1006

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer tap for wall mo...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1007

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM1007

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer tap for wall mo...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM2001

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM2001

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer for wall mounti...

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F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM2002

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer F3SM2002

F3S-Mix self-closing wall-mounted mixer DN 15 as single-mixer for wall mounti...

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F5E Urinal flush valve for concealed mounting F5EF3002

F5E Urinal flush valve for concealed mounting F5EF3002

F5E Urinal flush valve DN 15 for concealed mounting, opto-electronic control....

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R3 system box F3BV1001

R3 system box F3BV1001

R3 basic installation kit for in-wall mounting of finished installation kits ...

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R3 system box F3BV2001

R3 system box F3BV2001

R3 basic installation kit for in-wall mounting of finished installation kits ...

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R3 system box F3BX1001

R3 system box F3BX1001

R3 basic installation kit for in-wall mounting of finished installation kits ...

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R3 system box F3BX2001

R3 system box F3BX2001

R3 basic installation kit for in-wall mounting of finished installation kits ...

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RODAN bag holder E-RODX607

RODAN bag holder E-RODX607

Bag holder for waste bin RODX607, for screwing, stainless steel, surface sati...

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RODAN electronic hand dryer RODX310

RODAN electronic hand dryer RODX310

Touch free electronic warm air hand dryer for wall mounting, stainless steel,...

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RODAN electronic paper towel dispenser RODX630

RODAN electronic paper towel dispenser RODX630

Touch free paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface ...

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RODAN electronic soap dispenser RODX625

RODAN electronic soap dispenser RODX625

Touch free soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin f...

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RODAN foam soap dispenser RODX616

RODAN foam soap dispenser RODX616

Foam soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finishe...

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RODAN folding self-closing lid for waste bin RODX608

RODAN folding self-closing lid for waste bin RODX608

Folding self-closing lid for waste bin RODX607, stainless steel, surface sati...

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RODAN hygiene bag dispenser RODX191

RODAN hygiene bag dispenser RODX191

Hygiene bag dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finis...

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RODAN hygiene waste bin RODX611

RODAN hygiene waste bin RODX611

Sanitary towel and disposal bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface s...

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RODAN hygiene waste bin RODX612

RODAN hygiene waste bin RODX612

Sanitary towel and disposal bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface s...

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RODAN hygiene waste bin RODX612E

RODAN hygiene waste bin RODX612E

Sanitary towel and disposal bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surfa...

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RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600

RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600

Paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finis...

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RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600E

RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600E

Paper towel dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin f...

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RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600ME

RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600ME

Paper towel dispenser for hidden mounting behind wall and mirror, stainless s...

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RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600TT

RODAN paper towel dispenser RODX600TT

Paper towel dispenser for installation from the front or from the top, stainl...

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RODAN paper towel/soap dispenser combination RODX601

RODAN paper towel/soap dispenser combination RODX601

Paper towel, soap dispenser combination for wall mounting, stainless steel, s...

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RODAN paper towel/soap dispenser/waste bin combination RODX617

RODAN paper towel/soap dispenser/waste bin combination RODX617

Waste bin, paper towel-, soap dispenser combination for wall mounting, stainl...

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RODAN paper towel/soap dispenser/waste bin combination RODX617E

RODAN paper towel/soap dispenser/waste bin combination RODX617E

Paper towel-, soap dispenser and waste bin combination for recessed mounting,...

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RODAN paper towel/waste bin combination RODX602

RODAN paper towel/waste bin combination RODX602

Paper towel dispenser, waste bin combination for wall mounting, stainless ste...

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RODAN paper towel/waste bin combination RODX602E

RODAN paper towel/waste bin combination RODX602E

Paper towel dispenser - waste bin combination for recessed mounting, stainles...

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RODAN soap dispenser RODX618

RODAN soap dispenser RODX618

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, ma...

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RODAN soap dispenser RODX619

RODAN soap dispenser RODX619

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, ma...

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RODAN soap dispenser RODX619E

RODAN soap dispenser RODX619E

Soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished...

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RODAN toilet brush holder RODX687

RODAN toilet brush holder RODX687

Toilet brush holder for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finishe...

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RODAN toilet roll holder RODX672

RODAN toilet roll holder RODX672

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for wall mounting, stainless st...

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RODAN toilet roll holder RODX672E

RODAN toilet roll holder RODX672E

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for recessed mounting, stainles...

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RODAN toilet roll holder RODX674B

RODAN toilet roll holder RODX674B

Toilet roll holder for 4 rolls for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface sa...

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RODAN toilet roll holder RODX678

RODAN toilet roll holder RODX678

Toilet roll holder for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished...

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RODAN waste bin RODX604

RODAN waste bin RODX604

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, materia...

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RODAN waste bin RODX604E

RODAN waste bin RODX604E

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, mat...

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RODAN waste bin RODX605

RODAN waste bin RODX605

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, materia...

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RODAN waste bin RODX605E

RODAN waste bin RODX605E

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, mat...

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RODAN waste bin RODX605EE

RODAN waste bin RODX605EE

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, mat...

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RODAN waste bin RODX605S

RODAN waste bin RODX605S

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, materia...

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RODAN waste bin RODX605SL

RODAN waste bin RODX605SL

Waste bin for wall mounting or floor standing, made of stainless steel, surfa...

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RODAN waste bin RODX606

RODAN waste bin RODX606

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, materia...

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RODAN waste bin RODX606E

RODAN waste bin RODX606E

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, mat...

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RODAN waste bin RODX607

RODAN waste bin RODX607

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, materia...

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RODAN waste disposal chute RODX607TT

RODAN waste disposal chute RODX607TT

Waste chute for table top installation, stainless steel, visible surfaces sat...

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RODAN waste disposal flap RODX605TT

RODAN waste disposal flap RODX605TT

Waste disposal flap for table top installation, stainless steel, visible surf...

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Smart Urinal sensor F5EF3008

Smart Urinal sensor F5EF3008

F5 smart urinal sensor for overhead installation for central flushing of urin...

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Smart Urinal sensor F5EF3009

Smart Urinal sensor F5EF3009

F5 smart urinal sensor for overhead installation for central flushing of urin...

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Smart urinal unit for single ceramic urinals ACEF3002

Smart urinal unit for single ceramic urinals ACEF3002

F5L-Therm shower panel made from mineral material for wall mounting with sing...

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STRATOS Clothes hook STRX692

STRATOS Clothes hook STRX692

Hook for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, 17 mm pipe d...

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STRATOS Clothes hook STRX694

STRATOS Clothes hook STRX694

Double hook for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, 18 mm...

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STRATOS electronic hand dryer STRX220

STRATOS electronic hand dryer STRX220

Touch free electronic warm air hand dryer for wall mounting, stainless steel,...

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STRATOS Electronic paper towel dispenser STRX630

STRATOS Electronic paper towel dispenser STRX630

Touch free paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface ...

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STRATOS Electronic soap dispenser STRX625

STRATOS Electronic soap dispenser STRX625

Touch free soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin f...

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STRATOS foam soap dispenser STRX616

STRATOS foam soap dispenser STRX616

Foam soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finishe...

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STRATOS Folding self-closing lid for waste bin STRX608

STRATOS Folding self-closing lid for waste bin STRX608

Folding self-closing lid for waste bin STRX607, stainless steel, surface sati...

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STRATOS hygiene bag dispenser STRX615

STRATOS hygiene bag dispenser STRX615

Hygiene bag dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finis...

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STRATOS Hygiene waste bin STRX611

STRATOS Hygiene waste bin STRX611

Sanitary towel and disposal bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface s...

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STRATOS Hygiene waste bin STRX611E

STRATOS Hygiene waste bin STRX611E

Sanitary towel and disposal bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surfa...

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STRATOS Jumbo roll holder STRX670

STRATOS Jumbo roll holder STRX670

Jumbo roll holder for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished,...

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STRATOS Paper towel dispenser STRX600

STRATOS Paper towel dispenser STRX600

Paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finis...

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STRATOS Paper towel dispenser STRX600E

STRATOS Paper towel dispenser STRX600E

Paper towel dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin f...

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STRATOS paper towel dispenser STRX635B

STRATOS paper towel dispenser STRX635B

Centerfeed paper roll box for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin f...

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STRATOS paper towel dispenser STRX637

STRATOS paper towel dispenser STRX637

Manual paper towel dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface sati...

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STRATOS Paper towel/soap dispenser combination STRX601

STRATOS Paper towel/soap dispenser combination STRX601

Paper towel-, soap dispenser combination for wall mounting, stainless steel, ...

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STRATOS Paper towel/waste bin combination STRX602E

STRATOS Paper towel/waste bin combination STRX602E

Paper towel dispenser, waste bin combination for recessed mounting, stainless...

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Shelf for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, front with ...

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STRATOS Soap dispenser STRX618

STRATOS Soap dispenser STRX618

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, fr...

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STRATOS Soap dispenser STRX619

STRATOS Soap dispenser STRX619

Soap dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, fr...

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STRATOS Soap dispenser STRX619E

STRATOS Soap dispenser STRX619E

Soap dispenser for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished...

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STRATOS Toilet brush holder STRX687

STRATOS Toilet brush holder STRX687

Toilet brush holder for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finishe...

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STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX671

STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX671

Double toilet roll holder for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin f...

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STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX671E

STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX671E

Double toilet roll holder for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface sat...

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STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX671L

STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX671L

Double toilet roll holder without spindle system for wall mounting, stainless...

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STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX672

STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX672

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for wall mounting, stainless st...

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STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX672E

STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX672E

Double toilet roll holder with spindle system for recessed mounting, stainles...

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STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX673E

STRATOS Toilet roll holder STRX673E

Toilet roll holder for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin fini...

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STRATOS Toilet seat paper dispenser STRX680

STRATOS Toilet seat paper dispenser STRX680

Toilet seat paper dispenser for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin...

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STRATOS Waste bin STRX605

STRATOS Waste bin STRX605

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, front w...

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STRATOS Waste bin STRX605E

STRATOS Waste bin STRX605E

Waste bin for recessed mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, fro...

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STRATOS Waste bin STRX607

STRATOS Waste bin STRX607

Waste bin for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, front w...

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WASHINO-2 wash and play trough for children SANW200

WASHINO-2 wash and play trough for children SANW200

WASHINO-2 children‘s wash-and-play trough made of MIRANIT resin-bonded minera...

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WASHINO-3 wash and play trough for children SANW215

WASHINO-3 wash and play trough for children SANW215

WASHINO-3 children's wash-and-play trough made of MIRANIT resin-bonded minera...

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WASHINO-4 wash and play trough for children SANW205

WASHINO-4 wash and play trough for children SANW205

WASHINO-4 children‘s wash-and-play trough made of MIRANIT resin-bonded minera...

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WASHINO-Step wash and play trough for children SANW211

WASHINO-Step wash and play trough for children SANW211

WASHINO-Step children‘s wash-and-play trough made of MIRANIT resin-bonded min...

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WASHINO-Step wash and play trough for children SANW212

WASHINO-Step wash and play trough for children SANW212

WASHINO-Step children‘s wash-and-play trough made of MIRANIT resin-bonded min...

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