Height adjustable workbench MOTION electric 400kg load,2000x800mm

Height adjustable workbench MOTION electric 400kg load,2000x800mm

Height adjustable workbench MOTION electric 400kg load,2000x800mm

  • Easy to adjust in height
  • For an ergonomic workplace
  • HPL top

    Ergonomic workbench with an electrically height-adjustable work surface, which makes it easy for you to vary between standing and sitting working positions. The bench has a durable top that is easy to clean. Complete your workbench by adding smart accessories.


Product family: Warehouse & Industry Product group: Tables
Main material: Steel Width (mm): 800
Depth (mm): 2000 Weight (kg): 71.3
Publishing date: 9.11.2022 Product page
Revit Revit AutoCAD AutoCAD Ifc Ifc OBJ OBJ SketchUp SketchUp

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