Nykyaikaiset toimistot suunnitellaan, kalustetaan ja valaistaan tukemaan aktiivisia kokoontumisia ja tiimityöskentelyä sekä rohkaisemaan liikkumiseen ja muutoksiin.
The project started in co-operation with the electric consultant in April 2016 by mapping out all the needs and possibilities of a modern and energy efficient lighting in office spaces. Main positions contained efficient Multilume Flat Opal -luminaires in offices and conference rooms and Pleiad Evos in all corridors. DALI lighting control system is in use and it ensures that the light is targeted in the right place, at the right time and at the right intensity.
Nove LED and Zoft ceiling -luminaires with Fagerhult´s lighting control system e-Sense Move were installed to staircases. e-Sense Move is primarily developed for staircases, and is based on microwave technology. In this system, several luminaires communicate with each other wirelessly. e-Sense Move does not require any control cables. It is a duplex system, which means all luminaires act as both master and slave luminaires, depending on which luminaire detects presence. When presence is detected, information is sent on to one or more luminaires, which turn on. Each sensor is able to actively “listen” to 15 other sensors. Also other e-Sense lighting control systems are in use diversely; Discovery Evos with e-Sense Detect and AllFive LEDs with e-Sense BrightSwitch.
Sisp. korjaus | Helsinki | Ei tiedossa
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