ENEL RMU GSM001 - SafeRing CCF - Medium Voltage Switchgear Gas Insulated

ENEL RMU GSM001 - SafeRing CCF - Medium Voltage Switchgear Gas Insulated

ENEL RMU GSM001 - SafeRing CCF - Medium Voltage Switchgear Gas Insulated

Gas-insulated ring main unit SafeRing

Medium voltage (MV) SF6-insulated ring main unit for secondary distribution

ENEL customized version at 24kV according to GSM001 technical specification

SafeRing is a ring main unit (RMU) for the secondary distribution network. It is available in 18 different configurations suitable for most switching applications within the range from 6 to 40.5 kV. The standardized RMU configurations, which are mostly required within a distribution network, can be extensible upon request.

SafeRing is a completely sealed system with a stainless steel tank containing all live parts and switching functions. A sealed steel tank with constant atmospheric conditions ensures a high level of reliability as well as personnel safety and a virtually maintenance-free system.


Product family: SafeRing Product group: Gas Insulated Medium Voltage Switchgear
Main material: Metal Publishing date: 1.10.2021
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