Ecophon Solo™ Square

Ecophon Solo™ Square

Ecophon Solo™ Square

Ecophon Solo™ Square is an acoustic solution, primarily when it is not possible to install a wall-to-wall ceiling. Solo Square is an unframed free hanging unit offering a high degree of design possibilities both regarding colours and suspension systems. 

The three different suspension systems using Adjustable wire hangers, One-point fixing (patent) or Absorber brackets in combination with the engineered Connect Absorber anchor (patent) give opportunities to create several layers and angles. 

The Solo Square panel is available in size 1200x1200x40 mm with a weight of 6,5 kg. The panel is manufactured from high density glass wool, with Akutex™ FT surface on both sides. The edges are straight cut and painted.


Product family: Free hanging units and baffles Product group: Solo
Main material: Glass wool Designed in: Sweden
Manufactured in: Sweden Publishing date: 20.6.2019
Installation instruction Product certification
Technical description Product page
Instruction video
Archicad Archicad Materials & Textures Materials & Textures Revit Revit

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Ecophon Solo™

Ecophon Solo™

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