Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ Wall

Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ Wall

Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ Wall

Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ Wall is an easy-to-clean sound-absorbing wall panel system suitable for humid areas. The panel withstand advanced cleaning, such as steam and high/low pressure washing, on a regular basis. The surface is resistant to common detergents and disinfectants. The panel is low-emitting and thus ensures high indoor-air quality, it is resistant to mould and bacteria growth and withstand HPV cleaning. The system consists of Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ Wall panel and Connect Wall fixing C3 stainless steel wire fixing detail, with a system weight of approximately 3 kg/pcs. The panel is manufactured from high density glass wool. The visible surface has an Akutex™ HS coating and the edges are painted.


Product family: Modular ceilings Product group: Hygiene
Main material: Glass wool Designed in: Sweden
Manufactured in: Sweden Publishing date: 28.4.2020
Installation instruction Product certification
Technical description Product page
Instruction video
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Ecophon Hygiene™

Ecophon Hygiene™

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