Ecophon Akusto™ Wall C Extra Bass

Ecophon Akusto™ Wall C Extra Bass

Ecophon Akusto™ Wall C Extra Bass

Ecophon Akusto™ Wall C Extra Bass has a concealed grid and bevelled edge to create a narrow groove between each panel.

Available in a variety of surface options. The wall absorber has excellent sound absorption qualities from low to high 

sound frequencies. Best room acoustic properties are achieved when used together with a sound absorbing ceiling.

• Absorption class A
• Excellent sound absorption also in the low frequencies
• 80 mm system using a shadow effect having 40 mm visible

For projects where environmental excellence is a priority, Ecophon offers you the Plant option, specifically designed to maximise the contribution of the ceiling to green building certification schemes. Our Plant panel range features bio-based materials, an industry-low CO2 footprint and the lowest indoor air emissions, with the Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold certification.


Product family: Vertical applications Product group: Akusto
Main material: Glass wool Designed in: Sweden
Manufactured in: Sweden Publishing date: 18.5.2022
Instruction video
Revit Revit Archicad Archicad

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Ecophon Akusto™

Ecophon Akusto™

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