

Kodin remontin tulisi lisätä asukkaiden mukavuutta ja kiinteistön arvoa. Lämpö- ja äänieritystä tarjoavien tuuletettujen julkisivujen suosio osoittaa, että julkisivun estetiikka ei ole enää ainoa peruste julkisivuratkaisun valinnassa. Nykypäivänä julkisivuissa huomioidaan myös niiden vaikutukset rakennuksen rakenteelliseen vakauteen ja energiatehokkuuteen sekä rakennuksessa asuvien hyvinvointiin. Tämän vuoksi julkisivuissa on välttämätöntä käyttää korkean toimintakyvyn materiaalia – äärimmäisen tiivistä Dektonia.


Rakennusten julkisivuremonttien lisäksi toinen suosittu kohde kodin remontoinneille on lattiaremontti, jossa rakennuksen vanha lattia vaihdetaan kestävämpään ja käytännöllisempään vaihtoehtoon. Silestone ja Dekton ovat seinälaatoituksen lisäksi täydellisiä valintoja myös lattialaatoituksen materiaaleiksi. Kivipohjaisen rakenteensa ansiosta molemmat materiaalit ovat äärimmäisen lujia ja kestäviä. Ne sopivat siis hyvin myös jatkuvassa käytössä oleviin käyttökohteisiin, kuten portaikkoihin.



Tutustu Keittiöremontointiin.

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Tututstu valikoimaan.

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Our Inspiring Journey to Sustainability -esite
Dekton Aeris

Dekton Aeris

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Albarium

Dekton Albarium

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Arga

Dekton Arga

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Argentium

Dekton Argentium

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Aura 22

Dekton Aura 22

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Bergen kC

Dekton Bergen kC

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Bromo

Dekton Bromo

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Danae

Dekton Danae

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Domoos

Dekton Domoos

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Edora

Dekton Edora

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Entzo 22

Dekton Entzo 22

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Eter

Dekton Eter

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Fossil

Dekton Fossil

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Galema

Dekton Galema

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Halo

Dekton Halo

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Helena 22

Dekton Helena 22

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Kairos 22

Dekton Kairos 22

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Kelya

Dekton Kelya

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Keon

Dekton Keon

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Keranium

Dekton Keranium

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Khalo

Dekton Khalo

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Kreta

Dekton Kreta

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Laos

Dekton Laos

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Laurent

Dekton Laurent

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Liquid Embers

Dekton Liquid Embers

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Liquid Shell

Dekton Liquid Shell

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Liquid Sky

Dekton Liquid Sky

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Lunar

Dekton Lunar

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Micron

Dekton Micron

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Mooné

Dekton Mooné

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Nacre

Dekton Nacre

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Natura 22

Dekton Natura 22

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Orix

Dekton Orix

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Portum

Dekton Portum

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Radium

Dekton Radium

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Rem kC

Dekton Rem kC

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Sasea

Dekton Sasea

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Sirius

Dekton Sirius

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Sirocco

Dekton Sirocco

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Soke

Dekton Soke

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Strato

Dekton Strato

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Taga

Dekton Taga

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Trilium

Dekton Trilium

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Tundra 22

Dekton Tundra 22

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Umber

Dekton Umber

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Uyuni

Dekton Uyuni

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Valterra

Dekton Valterra

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Vera

Dekton Vera

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Dekton Zenith kC

Dekton Zenith kC

Dekton has a number of properties that make it a unique for indoor applicatio...

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Silestone Alpina White

Silestone Alpina White

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Aluminio Nube

Silestone Aluminio Nube

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Arden Blue

Silestone Arden Blue

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Ariel

Silestone Ariel

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Bamboo

Silestone Bamboo

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Bianco Calacatta

Silestone Bianco Calacatta

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Bianco River

Silestone Bianco River

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Blanco Capri

Silestone Blanco Capri

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Blanco City

Silestone Blanco City

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Blanco Orion

Silestone Blanco Orion

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Blanco Stellar

Silestone Blanco Stellar

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Classic Calacatta

Silestone Classic Calacatta

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Classic White

Silestone Classic White

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Copper Mist

Silestone Copper Mist

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Coral Clay

Silestone Coral Clay

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Cygnus

Silestone Cygnus

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Merope

Silestone Merope

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Miami White

Silestone Miami White

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Negro Stellar

Silestone Negro Stellar

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Niebla

Silestone Niebla

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Noka

Silestone Noka

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Ocean Jasper

Silestone Ocean Jasper

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Ocean Storm

Silestone Ocean Storm

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Pietra

Silestone Pietra

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Pulsar

Silestone Pulsar

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Rougui

Silestone Rougui

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Royal Reef

Silestone Royal Reef

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Sienna Ridge

Silestone Sienna Ridge

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Snowy Ibiza

Silestone Snowy Ibiza

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Stellar Grey

Silestone Stellar Grey

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Tigris Sand

Silestone Tigris Sand

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone Unsui

Silestone Unsui

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone White Arabesque

Silestone White Arabesque

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone White Diamond

Silestone White Diamond

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Silestone White Storm

Silestone White Storm

Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more th...

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Dekton by Cosentino EPD ympäristöseloste

Dekton by Cosentino EPD ympäristöseloste

Tutustu tuotteen ympäristövaikutuksiin.

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Silestone by Cosentino EPD ympäristöseloste

Silestone by Cosentino EPD ympäristöseloste

Tutustu tuotteen ympäristövaikutuksiin.

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