Combison™ Uno A

Combison™ Uno A

Combison™ Uno A

For use as a sound absorbing ceiling and for sound insulation between rooms if the partitions do not extend all the way up to the soffit. Also suitable for sound reduction of vertical noise, generated by ventilation, foot steps etc. Ecophon Combison Uno A has an exposed grid system. Each tile is demountable.

The system consists of Ecophon Combison Uno A tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 13 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool, with a bonded gypsum board (13 mm) on the back of the tile. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the edges are primed.

For best performance and system quality, use Ecophon Connect grid and accessories. The grid is manufactured from galvanized steel.


Product family: Modular ceilings Product group: Combison
Publishing date: 11.1.2016 Technical description
Product page
Revit Revit Archicad Archicad

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Ecophon Combison™

Ecophon Combison™

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