Combison™ A, CAC 35

Combison™ A, CAC 35

Combison™ A, CAC 35

Ecophon Combison™ is the fastest and easiest way to combine features for both sound absorption and sound insulation between rooms. Ideal for installations where the partitions do not extend all the way up to the soffit. Combison can also help to reduce vertical noise from floor to floor. The panel is easy to handle, install and demount and it has a visible grid system. It is made from crimped glass fibre and has an Akutex FT surface on the front.

  • • Class B sound absorption
  • • Sound insulation: CAC 35 dB
  • • Low weight and easy to handle


Product family: Modular ceilings Product group: Combison
Main material: Glass wool Designed in: Sweden
Manufactured in: Sweden Publishing date: 26.1.2022
Installation instruction Product certification
Technical description Product page
Instruction video
Archicad Archicad Materials & Textures Materials & Textures Revit Revit

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Ecophon Combison™

Ecophon Combison™

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