CAMPUS Baby bathtub CMPX0071

CAMPUS Baby bathtub CMPX0071

CAMPUS Baby bathtub CMPX0071

Baby bathtub, installed from above, made of chrome-nickel steel, satin finished surface, material thickness 1.2 mm, without overflow, overflow fitting with plug waste set DN 40, contents 10 L.

Dimensions 743 x 250 x 445 mm (W x H x D)
Bowl dimensions 700 x 250 x 400


Product family: Wash place solutions Product group: Baby change units
Main material: Stainless steel Designed in: Germany
Manufactured in: Germany Height (mm): 250
Width (mm): 743 Depth (mm): 445
Weight (kg): 8.55 Publishing date: 16.12.2021
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