Reynaers - Sliding Element - Hi-Finity 179

Reynaers - Sliding Element - Hi-Finity 179

Reynaers - Sliding Element - Hi-Finity 179

Enjoy an infinite view with ultimate performances. The ultra-slim design of the Hi-Finity sliding door creates large transparent surfaces, with a light, sleek and elegant appearance.This fully transparent and accessible sliding door seamlessly extends the house’s interior to the outside. Despite the minimal visual sidelines, the systems high strength allows Hi-Finity to carry the weight of a large glass pane up to 500 kilograms. This in combination with the high energy performance and the minimalistic look makes this product the best solution for low-energy contemporary architecture.


Product family: Windows & Doors Product group: Sliding Elements Aluminum
Main material: Aluminium Designed in: Belgium
Manufactured in: Belgium Depth (mm): 179
Publishing date: 19.11.2015 Product page
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